Cricket AdLab
When an Atlanta advertising agency approached Airtight about developing a complex web application for its client AT&T, we jumped at the opportunity. The application would be used by thousands of businesses who sell AT&T’s Cricket Wireless service. We knew our web development team was up to the task.
The Challenge
Cricket Wireless is a thriving business with thousands of authorized retailers and company-owned stores around the country. AT&T supports them with marketing materials that they can print or use online. But how can AT&T ensure that these users have access to the latest campaigns. How can we allow users to customize the materials for their own needs, yet still remain within brand standards? With promotions and offers, we must also be careful that these materials aren’t manipulated in a way that would hurt AT&T’s reputation or result in legal trouble.
The Solution
Airtight developed a web application called Cricket AdLab that allows store managers and marketing departments to browse and search for collateral materials based on criteria such as asset type, language and promotional campaign. Like any digital asset management software, AdLab includes various media types, such as print, digital, audio and video, but there’s more. Users can select an asset and customize it for their own location. For example, a user can edit the price for a product, select the appropriate logo for the location, edit text, and add a list of applicable locations for the promotion. All of these variables are strictly controlled by the national marketing team, so the final asset will always be on-brand.
Technology Used on this Project
- Amazon Web Services
- APIs
- Vue
- Single Sign-On
Our Favorite Part
System Flexibility
The system is flexible enough to provide a wide variety of formats to meet whatever need a local marketing specialist may have. Need a billboard? We got that. Want a point-of-sale poster in Chinese? Easy peasy. Talking points for a deejay on the local Spanish radio station? No problema!
Users can save their favorite ads, as well as see a list of the most percent and most popular materials on the site. Is the user frequently creating ads for a cluster of locations in the same market? They can easily create location groups to add to materials, saving time and effort.
The system includes single sign-on so that users don’t have to maintain yet another account on yet another website. This benefits the user, of course, but also helps the AT&T IT department because they can maintain a database of all authorized users and it will instantly and automatically dictate who can access AdLab.